原帖由 cyclone922 于 2006-8-4 06:39 发表晚上10:00发现广告又不见面了,出现“Advertise on this site”,看来ADBRIDE公司政策调整了!估计也得等到中午12:00以后才能看得到广告了,也就是得等到第二天啦!
静关其变吧作者: cyclone922 时间: 2006-8-5
* Notice: Friday, August 4, 2006 - Today's earnings report may be inaccurate and appear artificially low. Rest assured all clicks are accounted for and you will be paid for all your clicks today—it's just the report that's a little off. We're adding more horsepower and things should clear up tomorrow. Thanks!
不知道我的翻译是否贴切,斑竹应该加我经验值吧?作者: 煎饼 时间: 2006-8-7