刚去老外论坛转了转,发现老外现在的眼光都给咱们这边看呢。<br />发几段老外说的:(英文跟我一样烂的可以去GG翻译,大概意思还是能看明白的)<br />I am considering buying a couple of .cn domains and I was wondering if anyone has any experience of the Adsense revenue for this market. Or is it just a good idea to get the domains, put up content and wait for 2-3 years for the value of advertising in the China Adsense market to hot up. <br /><br />Adsense price is very low in China, about $0.01 - 0.03 per click, so sell your products or service is better than CPM AD in Chinese Website if you want to earn money in China Market.