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Digg炒掉Google adsense 将投放微软的广告

发表于 2007-7-27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
著名的Digg.com网站周三宣布取消与Google在在线广告的合作,同时与微软达成了为期三年的技术和广告合作协议。<br />Digg的CEO Jay Adelson这样评价微软“我们不能不考虑寻找一个更好的合作伙伴支持我们的发展,他们是一个年轻的广告服务,他们是创新的,他们乐意同我们合作。”<br /><br />在这三年合作期间,微软将为Digg.com提供小的、与上下文相关联的文字链接。<br /><br />Digg没有透露交易的细节,Google拒绝对此发表评论。<br /><br />------------------------------------<br /><br />Digg Fires Google for Online Ads<br />http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/070725/microsoft_digg.html?.v=4<br /><br />The companies did not disclose financial terms of the deal. Google declined to comment.<br /><br />Digg is the first high-profile customer for Microsoft's adCenter platform since the company signed up Facebook, a popular social networking site, last summer.<br /><br />Microsoft executives are looking to Digg and the pending acquisition of aQuantive Inc., an online advertising company, to boost adCenter's appeal with advertisers and close the gap with Google, the leader in making money from search advertising.<br /><br />&quot;We actually now are in the forefront of what we believe is going to be the next generation of advertising,&quot; said Steve Berkowitz, a senior vice president in Microsoft's online services group.<br /><br />Berkowitz said Microsoft is working on technology and design ideas for &quot;bringing users to engage with the advertising more, make them part of it.&quot;<br /><br />Digg's decision to defect may not dent Google's balance sheet, but it's still a blow to lose such a hot Web 2.0 property, said Chris Winfield, president of social media marketing company 10e20 LLC.<br /><br />With Digg and Facebook under its belt, Microsoft may be able to seal deals with other social networking sites. For Digg, though, the decision could backfire.<br /><br />&quot;Linux and Apple have always been two of the most popular things on Digg, while Microsoft, the RIAA, things like that, have been two of the most hated things,&quot; Winfield said.<br /><br />&quot;For a user, they look at it and say, 'Now, all of a sudden, you're doing a deal with the devil?'&quot;
发表于 2007-7-27 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-7-27 | 只看该作者
啥时候也能做上微软的cpc阿?<br /><br /><br />you're doing a deal with the devil
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-27 | 只看该作者
真的希望微软的广告市场强大起来,这样以后就不是google一家独大了.<br />我们也不会象现在这样:&quot;人在屋檐下,不得不低头&quot;
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