script language="JavaScript">
google_ad_client = 'ca-cnet-zol-content'; // REQUIRED - DO NOT CHANGE
google_ad_channel = 'zol-content'; // REQUIRED - DO NOT CHANGE
google_ad_output = 'html'; // REQUIRED - DO NOT CHANGE
google_ad_width = '468'; // substitute width of ad unit
google_ad_height = '60'; // substitute height of ad unit
google_ad_format = '468x60_pas_abgnc'; // substitute format designation
google_ad_type = 'text'; // REQUIRED - DO NOT CHANGE
google_language = 'zh-CN'; // REQUIRED - DO NOT CHANGE
google_encoding = 'gb';
google_page_url = document.referrer;
google_color_border = '2d67c5'; // Edit as needed - use full 6 digits of hexvalue
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google_color_text = '000000'; // Edit as needed - use full 6 digits of hexvalue
google_color_url = 'ff0000'; // Edit as needed - use full 6 digits of hexvalue
google_color_border = '2d67c5'; // Edit as needed - use full 6 digits of hexvalue
// google_color_bg = 'EFF7FE'; // the ads' background color is gray
// google_color_border = '006600'; // the border surrounding all of the ads is red
// google_color_line = '00ff00'; // the line surrounding each ad is green
// google_color_link = '0000ff'; // the ad link is blue
// google_color_text = '00723d'; // the ad text is sage green
// google_color_url = '00723d'; // the ad's visible URL is sage green
// -->