One of the best success story with Adsense is Markus Finch, who operates the immensely popular online dating website. Its business model is different from the subscription based model used by the big online dating websites. Instead of subscriptions, Markus relies on advertising, specifically Google Adsense to derive income from his website. Markus reveals that he has earned $1 million from Adsense alone in 3 months, and the lessons he shares are:
1. Understand your traffic and how it could affect your keywords.
2. Create sites that will bring in repeat traffic.
3. Have your users create content and lots of it.
4. Do not enter markets with a lot of competition monitized via adsense.
5. Keep your site simple.
6. Learn from various forums and if people are not talking about your market, there is a good chance you will make money.
最成功的adsense传奇人物是Markus Finch-人气很旺的在线交友网站的经营者。与其他大型在线交友网站靠收会费赚钱的经营模式不同,Markus完全依赖广告收入,尤其是Google Adsense。Markus分享其单站季入百万刀的经验如下:
4.保持网页简洁。(不要浪费你的用户的时间观看所谓绚丽的网页,不要高估你的用户的带宽,图片越少越好,除非那个图片能给你赚钱。IT-Information Technology,信息是排在技术前面的)
那个站的域名在这里就不说了,翻译成中文是‘许多鱼’。刚才看了一下,在线一万人。 |